Week 8 Blog Post

The radio can be my best friend sometimes. I use it to drown out noise outside of my bedroom while I am working, to drown out my own thoughts at times and as background noise for those days I can’t concentrate in the silence. Most of the time, it is just a sort of company. I don’t actually hear what is playing.

I think most people turn on the radio for the same reasons I do. They might be driving home from work at night and just need to hear something to keep the loneliness at bay or to keep them alert and aware.

There are many people who listen to talk stations and news stations. It is probably easier for them to get their news driving on the way to work or home from work than it is to sit down and read the paper or access the web. Talk radio stations are like news stations. They keep their listeners informed about what is going on in the world, whether it is current events, politics or celebrity gossip.

There are obviously advantages to having so many different types of radio. There is something for everyone to listen to and no one seems to be taking over and trying to push others out. There are just far too many stations.